Responsible Gambling

Last updated: July 1, 2024


For the majority of people, gambling is an enjoyable pastime and entertainment activity. But for some people, gambling can have negative impacts on their life and general well-being. As a result, we have implemented this policy to communicate our approach to responsible gambling on the Group 1 Sports platform. Our operations are governed by this policy and the code of practice.


For us “Responsible Gambling” means:

•    Individuals may gamble for pleasure and entertainment but are aware of their likelihood of losing money and understand the associated risks.

•    Individuals exercise control over their gambling activities.

•    Responsible gambling occurs in balance with other activities in their lives and is not causing problems for themselves or others.

•    Shared responsibility across the broader community for generating awareness of the risks associated with gambling.

•    Response to community concerns around gambling.


Problem gambling occurs when significant harm is caused to your well-being and that of family and friends. Common examples of problem gambling include:

•    Excessive financial loss or struggling to pay bills.

•    Relationship and family problems.

•    Depression, anxiety and stress.

•    Feelings that gambling has taken over your life.

•    Lying to family and friends to cover for money problems stemming from gambling.

•    Involvement in criminal activity to fund gambling habits.

•    Poor work performance or loss of job.

•    Costs to the broader community.


The following questionnaire may help you to identify tendencies in your behaviour which are often linked to problem gambling.

•    Have you ever ignored your job in order to gamble?

•    Have you felt unhappy with your personal life due to gambling?

•    Does your gambling affect your perception of others, or how others may perceive you?

•    Has your gambling left you with a deep sense of regret?

•    Have you ever tried to meet your financial obligations by gambling?

•    Has gambling affected your motivation to succeed?

•    Do you feel obliged to gamble in order to recoup lost money?

•    Do you consider a win as motivation to spend more?

•    Have you ever spent your last available dollar on gambling?

•    Have you ever borrowed money in order to gamble?

•    Have you ever sold assets in order to gamble?

•    Have you felt reluctant to use money set aside for gambling on everyday purchases?

•    Has gambling negatively impacted on the way that you treat yourself or others?

•    Do you find yourself gambling beyond the time you had planned to stop?

•    Have you ever gambled to avoid dealing with personal problems?

•    Have you ever committed (or considered committing) a criminal offence in order to gamble?

•    Does your gambling affect your sleep?

•    Do the frustrations of your personal life encourage you to gamble?

•    Have you celebrated good fortune by spending excessive time gambling?

•    Have you considered harming yourself as a result of gambling?

Studies show that people who have answered “Yes” to seven or more of the above questions show tendencies representative of problem gambling.

Gambling Help Online provides an online self-assessment tool available here:


Gambling should be done in moderation and undertaken as a form of leisure, not as a way of making money or to escape problems. You should:

•    Avoid chasing loses.

•    Only fund gambling with the money you can afford to lose.

•    Keep track of the time and monitor the amount of money you spend. We provide a detailed transaction history of your account.

•    Balance your gambling with other leisure activities.

•    Try to understand the odds/probabilities of winning and losing, and the rules of the contests you are playing.

•    Use the self-exclusion function on the site to limit activity, spend and deposit amounts.


Gambling Help Online - or call 1800 858 858.

Confidential, professional, free help, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Talk to someone who understands your issues.


We are committed to sharing responsibility for gambling, with the broader community and government to help problem gamblers, their family and friends. Some of the ways that we show this commitment is by:

•    Compliance with self-exclusion procedure.

•    Display Responsible Gambling Information and contact details on this website.

•    Self-help assessments and information.

•    Preventing minors from exposure to gambling services by stringent compliance with age limit restrictions of 18+ years.

•    Referring at risk customers to gambling support services.


We aim to achieve the following outcomes:

•    Minimise the harm problem gambling can have on individuals, their friends, their family and that of the broader community.

•    Enabling our customers to make informed decisions about their gambling practices.

•    Enabling our customers to have access to the appropriate assistance and support networks while providing relevant information.

•    Promotion of shared responsibility between individuals, the broader community and government.

•    Ensure that gambling services are delivered within a safe and supportive environment.


It is illegal for those under the age of 18 years to open an account, enter or play a Group 1 Sports game. We take this responsibility seriously and procedures are in place to exclude minors from entering or playing fantasy sports games using the Group 1 Sports platform.

Please note that anyone under the age of 18 found to be using this site will have any winnings forfeited and may also be reported to the police.

If children have access to the computer/smart phone/tablet you use to access the Group 1 Sports website, we encourage you to download and install one of the popular child protection packages. This software will prevent Group 1 Sports being accessed by children, and stop them from viewing other Internet content that you may consider unsuitable.


If you feel like your gambling habits are causing problems and would like help in restricting your access to our gambling platforms, we offer the following options